Mar 14, 2023

The Football Commentator Cried

This monologue with a sound collage... I made back in the 1980's...during the 'Falkland'/Malvina's war. 'The Commentator Cried' is for Gary Lineker and to celebrate the solidarity of the other Footballers who came out with him in support of the plight of Refugees everywhere.

The Commentator Cried

Gary Lineker never gave the Tories a £400,000 donation, set up an £800,000 loan for Boris Johnson or stood as a Conservative council candidate. But the people who did are lecturing him on the need for impartiality at the BBC.So a tweet from @GaryLineker has done more damage to the BBC's impartiality, than your chairman who sorted an £800,000 loan for Boris Johnson? I agree with stormzy when he said‘ How do you know when a government is absolutely unfit to lead?When footballers have to hold them to account. Marcus Rashford forced them to feed our children and Gary Lineker has had to speak out about inflammatory dehumanising language used by our despicable leaders.’While we are talking about Nazis…In the 1930s Lord Rothmere owner of the Daily Mail supported Oswald Mosley’s fascist black shirts and also in favour of Hitlers Nazis and Was sympathetic to Mussolini.Which explains the Daily Mails right wing xenophobic racist stance and bias today.So we have these papers owned by Rich Men who avoid paying taxes here in the U.K., yet call poor people ‘scroungers’ and ‘vermin’.We know whose voice they are speaking with. Who’s side they are on and who they are against. What facts and information they miss out and do not want to tell, what they do not want us to know.

This also for FIFA and Qatar’s homophobic culture. ‘The commentator Cried’

I was just reminded of this monologue and one of many ‘experimental’ sound collages I made and recorded in the early eighties.