No, We don’t want appeasement. Keir Starmer, Don’t go to Trump like Neville Chamberlain went to Hitler.
Please don’t bargain away our NHS to Trump's private medical insurance companies. No real estate deals, or grabs like Trump is making for Ukraine’s minerals like Lithium on behalf of Elon Musk’s Tesla and Silicon Valley.
If the NHS is/was not ever for sale then why redact the US trade discussion document?
When Trump was US president for his first term in office he drove for greater access for US health companies to NHS contracts. He Wanted our NHS privatised to profit US health and insurance companies.
Then Matt Hancock assured us there were no plans to include the NHS in a trade deal with Donald Trump, because in the document about the trade deal the NHS is only mentioned four times. So there’s no need to worry because we all mention things four times in a trade deal when we’ve no intention of including them in a trade deal!
We don’t want the “charity” healthcare people rely on in the U.S. Where there are long lines of working poor people trying to get basic healthcare sorted, including dental work, x-rays, and treatment for breathing problems. The USA has the third world in its own backyard!
We don’t want that Kind of health care.
Why was Keir Starmer so quiet about the NHS bill when he was in opposition? Why was he not using every platform to call for the bill's scrapping?
We heard that Donors at United Health gave £95,000 towards Starmer's leadership campaign. So there be some privatisation of the NHS- they didn't just give money as a benevolent gift- they want a return on their investment.
Private healthcare firms had donated £800,000 to the Tories in the last 10 years of their office.
The Tories wanted to destroy the NHS. The Tory government were Deliberately underfunding the NHS to create a crisis to look like more and more privatisation is the only answer.
We were also all being tricked into believing the NHS is a charity that is funded by donations from working-class people!
Farage and Reform (deformed Tories) want to privatise our NHS. Farage bleats“Let’s make Britain great again” It is feeling more like ‘Let's make Britain Feudalistic again!’ Or Keep Britain Feudalistic! Selling off our NHS to Farage’s failed businessman-mate Trump and his rich friends.
Why did Tory MPs like Liz Truss want to repeal the smoking ban? Because Torys are on the boards of Tobacco companies, they are also wined and dined by them.
Big Tobacco was secretly bankrolling an anti-NHS think tank whose bosses donated thousands to Tory leadership contenders. It's interesting to know how greed and politics affect our health and how the self-interested profit motive harms us all. British American Tobacco was funding the Institute of Economic Affairs, which had called for our NHS to be abolished, while previous funders include sugar and soft drinks companies. Pharmaceutical companies whose main interest is to sell their drugs. It happens in other corporate industries too... where there are huge conflicts of interest... and vested interests…dangers are hushed up…more dumbing down. They are political industries. Maybe we should also get political and ban them.
We still are up against a hard right, hard Brexit, pro-Trump alliance. Apart from Brexit... and leaving the EU Farage and his Brexit party now rebranded reform have no policies about anything.. oh except privatising the NHS. Farage is thinking, “Let’s hand over this communist NHS to President Trump's poor billionaire friends and skint private insurance companies who are suffering right now... with having only 4 bathrooms in their houses… communism is a threat to their way of life.”
I want to see the NHS funded as it was… it’s been sabotaged gradually over the years. All politicians and ministers should be forced to declare any gifts of money and funding from Private health insurance and Pharma companies… Just as No oilman should be allowed to hold a Government office that dealt with oil Policy.
To me having just a private healthcare system like the USA, Is the same as if…you or I were drowning or needed help, and others, onlookers, were demanding remuneration, some payment, saying ‘I’ll save you, I will rescue you for a price, but only if you pay me, only if you give me money?’
Private health hospitals failed. Private healthcare staff were all trained by the NHS at a huge cost. £8 billion to the public purse. If we don't invest in the NHS and instead divert that money to Private care The NHS won't ever work well. If you’re unsociable enough to fall ill at night time private services are only open during the day! And if you’re admitted and do not have appropriate insurance, you could be staring at financial ruin if your episode of care is complex and prolonged. Knee replacements, one of the commonest and most successful operations in the world, were developed in the NHS and shared freely. The public NHS system has developed formal strategies to anticipate the needs of older people, including the development of geriatric medicine and stroke units in general hospitals, there is the appointment of geriatricians to acute medical units and evolving systems of integrated care.
Within the private system, no such clear intent is visible, largely arising out of a system that prioritises procedures and technology over multidisciplinary care. The lack of intensive care facilities in private hospitals means patients who become very ill end up having to be transferred to an NHS hospital, the travel can make the patient even worse. Other failures of selling off parts of our NHS. The sale of a UK blood plasma company to a US private equity firm endangers the supply of life-saving products to the NHS. It was sold to a US private equity firm with a reputation for aggressive asset-stripping. Bain Capital owns Burger King, Domino's Pizza, Dunkin' Donuts and much else. Its predatory history dogged Bain's founder, Mitt Romney, throughout the US election.
They tell us they’re not selling off the NHS. US Insurance companies and Pharma not buying the NHS But it will be acquired, taken, obtained procured, relinquished surrendered...slowly incrementally just like our Freedoms of speech and rights to protest.
Here we have appeals by Reform that our Poor working nurses should be helping disadvantaged rich people -bankrupt billionaires like Richard Branson who aren’t so fortunate...(remember Branson?) Who needs to screw million-pound donations from the NHS. It’s ‘The pandemic of privatisation.’
Do you remember the lockdown? We were clapping with our hearts full...applauding the dedication of NHS workers who were sacrificing so much for us all. How also many Immigrants were holding the NHS together? Middle Eastern doctors, Immigrants on the front line became victims of the virus Saving ‘British’ lives. The virus knows no colour- Or class.
I wasn't clapping at the Tory government that voted against a 1% pay rise for nurses. Neither were our neighbours. Our neighbours are ex-nurses or have kids who are NHS staff... it was not a clap for Boris Johnson or Patel or any Tory... it was our communities coming together, as we needed to...Out of ‘isolation’ and saying ‘hello we’re here...”
The Tory government's idea of culling to achieve herd immunity was thoughtless... One death is too many...Someone’s grandpa someone’s friend and partner shouldn’t have been a statistic. We were clapping For those who couldn’t gather as a family for one last goodbye together for a loved one... which was devastating. Interestingly the Climate deniers were/are the same people of ignorance and selfish greed...who had said the virus was a hoax, prioritising their economy. Trump, Bolsanaro, and their fundamentalist friends. First, they wanted to kill our grandchildren with climate change- the same deniers wanted to allow the virus to kill our grandparents...And we were clapping with the realisation that… we’re only as healthy as the safety of our neighbour.
Can you imagine how much better health care would be if the upper classes had to receive the same level of treatment as the rest of us? Things would have been different if ministers looked after their children and had to deal with them being ill with a virus, Or had to care for an elderly relative! We were not clapping for the Many ‘self-interested’ people who were asking for help with their hospitality businesses… Richard Branson! But were clapping for the medical front-line cleaning workers, nurses, doctors and other workers who couldn't self-isolate themselves and still pay bills! NHS staff knew they would lose colleagues and have to bury them.
Austerity was never a necessity, it was a choice by our Tory Government. Staff are still not available, after the Tory cull and Brexit -there are not enough people to staff our NHS. There aren't enough staff in the NHS to fill the existing jobs. To add more beds we need more staff. To add more hospitals we need more staff. To add more staff we need more training and better pay… instead of paying doctors and nurses an absolute pittance, treating them badly and kicking out thousands because they were not “British enough” There is a record shortfall in staff. The staff were meant to come from real hospitals. But of course, real hospitals were understaffed already so they couldn't spare any staff. They didn't have enough staff to cover the beds they had. The NHS still struggles to find staff and beds for existing hospitals. There were ten in the bed and the little one said, "These NHS cuts are getting ridiculous"
The Tory government made applying and training for jobs expensive, and they froze wages again and again, they and Farage encouraged a toxic atmosphere where patients were blaming the health service for things outside their control, Tory underfunding. The Brexiteers like Farage were pretending that there was £350m for the NHS… to get the population to vote for Brexit. It was clear that the Tory government's intention since 2010 was to underfund the NHS even before Brexit. Tories scrapped both. After giving away £bills to their PPE and Test Trace employers. Our NHS has been underinvested since 2010. Hancock ACTUALLY admitted during the first wave of deaths of NHS workers that there was a PPE shortage but said it was the fault of the NHS staff, not him...! Nineteen NHS staff had died after contracting Covid-19, but Hancock said that authorities were “not aware of any link to shortages of PPE in any of these deaths”. He’d suggested that nurses were overusing personal protection!! The real scandal was that Hancock ignored U.K. firms offering to supply reputable PPE immediately in favour of offering contracts to mates who had to set up companies to import defective goods at later dates from China at inflated prices. NHS workers died as a result. Remember the self-serving Tory Michelle Mone (Michelle ‘All mine’)
They brought in private healthcare boss Lord Carter of Coles to improve the “cost-effectiveness” of hospital labs across Britain – and reform the workforce. In his 2008 report, Carter recommended ending the practice of major hospitals having laboratories of such a size that they could conduct most tests themselves. He saw this as wasteful and inefficient.
The most scandalous case involved a Serco subsidiary called Viapath. It was contracted to run tests for Guy’s and St Thomas’ hospitals in south London. Internal NHS clinician emails said the firm had an “inherent inability to understand that you cannot cut corners and put cost saving above quality”. And in 2014 Viapath was found to have overcharged the NHS by millions of pounds. The exact scale of the over-charging is not known because a full audit has never been conducted.
A second scandal emerged in 2017 involving Pathology First laboratories, which services Southend’s NHS trust. Public Health England found its “working practices, particularly within the laboratory, compromise service quality and potentially patient safety”. The result? Some 4,668 cervical smear tests needed retesting and 31 women were subsequently told they had been incorrectly given the all-clear. Their tests had shown symptoms related to cancer.
Our NHS was the best in the world. It didn't just suddenly stop being the best in the world. It was systematically underfunded, understaffed and outsourced. We believed NHS was probably safer under Labour but Labour did bad things PFI were suspended by Labour Tony Blair. There was the breakup of hospital pathology departments under plans developed by Tony Blair and Gordon Brown’s Labour governments.
How you define a snowflake. Someone who can’t take criticism? Someone who blames others for their mistakes? Someone who goes off in a huff? (Sounds like Trump.).....and so ours and many others' grandparents were snowflakes for fighting for the right to vote, for bringing us all the NHS. And those inventive educated snowflakey people who invented the lightbulb and the telephone, and the snowflakey experts who discovered penicillin, with their curious snowFlakey minds, Socialising humanising ways, Civilising ways with their cultural activities, Urbane pure and well-mannered, instead of charging and barging through...
And It was fascism that caused those deaths...different kinds of fascism...fascist theocracies monarchic dictatorships. Colonial empires and despotic kingdoms...capitalist corporate thieves...Not librarians or NHS nurses and doctors... farmers ...artisans, artists... musicians.... gardeners...
The chorus of “coming over here and taking our jobs” was silenced for a short time, as people realised that one in eight NHS staff were from overseas.
They tell us they’re not selling off the NHS that Trump and his corporate friends are not buying the NHS But it will be acquired, taken, obtained, procured, relinquished, surrendered...slowly incrementally. Our grandparents fought for free healthcare, Rights were never given to us as gifts, welfare and the vote, We‘ve had to fight to raise ourselves up to lift each other…sisters and brothers, because
Some things don’t have a price,
Because they’re priceless. We are still fighting.
Who would we trust to run our country and our NHS?
No, We don’t want appeasement. Sir Keir Starmer, Please Don’t go to Trump like Neville Chamberlain went to Hitler. Please don’t bargain away our NHS to Trump's private medical insurance companies.